Alamanda I
Pasa Fino head turned away from viewer, communicating with her rider's foot

Print Description


Limited edition 975 s/n -
14" x 17"


Limited edition 100 A/P -
14" x 17"


*Shipping & handling not included

     This bay Paso Fino mare was my first, and very unexpected, commissioned subject. Unexpected, because when I first talked to her owner it was only because I wanted permission to photograph the stunning copper-penny palomino in the paddock near the road. As it turned out, though, the owner was looking for someone she could commission to photograph and draw, her mare. "So bring your 35mm camera so you can zoom in from a distance and eliminate any distortion in the photos, and we’ll do this." "All I have is my Instamatic". "We have a good camera for this, and we’ll show you how to use it."
     They did, the photos got taken, the portraits got drawn! A career began that day. I know I was amazed. Here they are: Alamanda I, in the usual mode, thirty seconds after Elizabeth mounts---nose to Elizabeth’s toe. (‘We’re ready, right?"); and Alamanda II, which shows her classic profile and the handmade Peruvian bridle with its beautiful South American bit.