Black & White Art
Silver Base Prints: A black & white photo is taken of the original art. The prints are made individually on fine quality photographic paper.
By Graphic Arts Lab of Saco, ME

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Click on a thumbnail image to enlarge with details and prices

El Contricanté
Original is sold,
Prints are available

Original is sold,
Prints are available

Show Day
Original is sold,
Prints are available

Alamanda I
Original is sold,
Prints are available

Alamanda II
Original is sold,
Prints are available

Bad Hair Day
Original is sold,
Prints will be available


Belle of the Ball
Original is sold,
Prints are available

Bob's Mules II

George & Duke
Original is sold,
Prints are available

Shipping charges, & tax where applicable, will be quoted at the time of order and included in the total price.

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*Reference photo courtesy of Candace Platz