Upper left -
Wanting a lighthearted, dancing design, I came up with Midnight
Prince. The owner of a business who later bought this series
of four horse designs, remarked that they once had a horse 'who
would get out of the fence and be running around exactly like
this!' Lower left - Joy is another version of lighthearted, dancing horses. I actually had Arabians in mind when I came up with these two designs. Lower right - This team of belgians was drawn from life at Acton Fair, years ago, in an open-backed shed. The heavy board suspended by thick chains, was so that if one kicked at the other, the board would swing and hit the kicker, who very well knew he had caused his own problem and wouldn't kick again so he wouldn't get whacked again. Upper right - Knowing I wanted a design of ponies coming down a hill, I sat looking at the sloped line I had drawn on my paper, and I had no idea where to go next with my idea. So I went out to mow the lawn instead. Within a half-hour I thought, "I know what to do!" Back to the table, and the first little horse went onto paper, jumping out of the border. Well, then what would the next one do? Logically, he would be jumping. So that went on next. And so on, working backward, all the legs working in proper order so that as one starts at the far right and scans along the line of ponies, the motion can be seen. The tree adds life and motion as well, and seems rather Oriental even though it is probably more like an oak, really. |